St Mary's Church Lydiard Tregoze


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Image Credit: daysey, Swindon Photographic Society

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30 Jun

10.00 am Communion with Annointing Prayers for Healing (13th Sunday after Trinity)

Led by Revd Lis Arnold and Revd Neil Fisher Theme: Making Space for God to turn up

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30 Jun

10.00 am Morning Worship (12th Sunday after Trinity)

Led by Revd Som Okonkwo Theme: Receiving wisdom as a gift (from God)

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30 Jun

10.00 am IONA Communion (11th Sunday after Trinity}

Led by Revd Canon Capt Clive Deverell and Bob Nicholas Theme: Reaping the whirlwind

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30 Jun

10.00 am Morning Worship (10th Sunday after Trinity)

Led by Revd Mark Tidey Theme: God confronts who we are

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30 Jun

10.00 am Communion with Anointing Prayers for Healing (9th Sunday after Trinity)

Led Revd Lis Arnold and Bob Nicholas Theme: It’s not fair

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30 Jun

10.00 am Morning Worship (8th Sunday after Trinity)

Led by Mark Taylor Theme: Let(ting) God be God

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30 Jun

10.00 am Common Worship Communion (7th Sunday after Trinity)

Led by Revd Canon Capt Clive Deverell and Revd Neil Fisher Theme: Extravagant worship

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30 Jun

10.00 am Morning Worship (6th Sunday after Trinity)

Led by Revd Lis Arnold and Revd Trevor Day Theme: All coming together: David’s story

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29 May

10.00 am Joint Free Church Communion (5th Sunday after Trinity)

Led by Mark Taylor Theme: Let’s talk about grief and loss

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